Inspired by Logisim, CircuitVerse is an open-source educational tool for designing and visualizing digital logic circuit simulations in the cloud. Users including educators, students, electronic engineers, and hobbyists can play with digital circuit simulations from their browsers for exploring different “what-if” scenarios. As required, a user can share their creations using unique circuit URLs, or fork different contributions of the CircuitVerse community to yield their curiosity. Figure 1 shares a screenshot of a ripple carry adder simulation built using CircuitVerse.
Developed for educators by educators, the CircuitVerse platform delivers high class learning experience in a scalable way. Educators can manage, track, and achieve their classroom learning goals in a single, powerful solution. They can create and manage different student groups, post different assignments, define submission deadlines and add or export grades (refer Figure 2). Using the CircuitVerse Chrome extension, educators can embed live circuits in their Google Slides and demonstrate concepts without navigating across different tabs. Alternatively, they can also export images or embed iFrames within their webpages.
Figure 1.2: Educators can manage, track, and achieve their classroom learning goals using CircuitVerse platform
As the CircuitVerse community grows, educators and students can join the online forums to share ideas, questions, and resources related to teaching and learning digital logic design using CircuitVerse.
Figure 1.3: Connect and collaborate on CircuitVerse Forum for sharing ideas, questions, and resources related to teaching and learning digital logic design
Watch the below video for a quick demonstration of the CircuitVerse platform.